The step toward a successful future II.
The non-government organisation implements a demand-oriented project called
The step towards a successful future II.
project duration: 09/2024 - 08/2026 | project code ITMS2021+ 401400FDX2 | call: PSK-MPSVR-021-2024-DV-ESF+ - Step by step II

Project Aims:
The project aims to integrate inactive individuals outside the labour market into employment through field intervention measures. These measures aim to support and assist in job-seeking, gaining and maintaining employment, providing advice on labour law and finance, identifying personal skills and competencies, and recognizing barriers to entering the labour market. The applicant will actively seek suitable job positions and support participants throughout the adaptation period in their new employment.
Target Group:
The project's target group includes representatives of (a) inactive individuals (persons who are not job seekers, not employed, not self-employed, and are not engaged in continuous preparation for a profession); (b) young people in NEET situations, up to 30 years old, who are neither employed nor in education or training. For this project, the target group is young people in NEET situations who are not registered job seekers.
Project Activities:
The applicant has defined the project activities in line with the "Step by Step II" call, which includes the following activities: (a) Providing individualized and comprehensive support for disadvantaged job seekers or inactive individuals, focusing on counselling activities and assistance in identifying suitable support tools, (b) Providing individualized support for young people at risk of NEET situations or in NEET situations, including support for self-employment.
Measurable Project Indicators:
PO167 Number of target group members involved in project activities, PR119 Number of inactive participants who successfully completed the intervention and are employed at the time of departure (count).
Project Location:
Trnava Region, Nitra Region, Trenčín Region, specifically in the cities of Trnava and Nitra.
Project Duration:
24 months.
If you are interested in participating in the project, it is necessary to complete the participant card. The participant card contains information that we, as an organization, are required to collect in connection with the project's implementation. We collect this data for the purpose of recording it for the provider of financial support for the project. You can find the participant card at the provided link here.